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UNIP EaD Integrated Multidisciplinary Project (PIM VI)
Business and IT Strategic Plan, Information System Modeling and
Information Security Policy. Polo: Hamamatsu Japan Year: 2020
Name: Marcelo Felipe Tanii Course: Information Technology Management
Semester: 3/2020 Advisor: Antônio Palmeira de Araújo Neto
This project aims to integrate knowledge, concepts, methods and
techniques provided by UNIP (Universidade Paulista) in higher education
technological management of Information Technology, with the aim of enabling the
manager, in the implementation of an efficient strategic planning in the organization, will use a network of fictitious dental clinics created by the university to implement the projects.
Information Technology strategy in business administration. The project focuses on the implementation or renewal of planning methods in order to create and manage the corporate strategic plan, with standardized indicators that enable a better vision and control of the company to achieve its objectives, as well as the modeling of information systems for work efficiently: data, information and knowledge as today's valuable assets, and protect by defining information security policies. The project works with the Management and Management of Information Technology in the administration and aligned with the business to work on the critical success factors in the company.
Keywords: Strategy; Information; Modeling; Planning; Safety.
This project intends to integrate the knowledge, concepts, methods and
techniques provided by UNIP (Universidade Paulista) in the technological
course of Information Technology Management, in order to train the
manager, in the implementation of an efficient strategic planning in the
organization, he will use it in a network of fictitious dental clinics
created by the university to implement the projects, this study has as a
differential the alignment of the Information Technology strategy in
business administration. The project focuses on the implementation or
renewal of planning methods in order to create and manage the corporate
strategic plan, with standardized indicators that enable a better view
and control of the company to achieve its objectives, as well as the
modeling of information systems for work efficiently: data, information
and knowledge as valuable current assets, and protect, defining
information security policies. The project works with the management and
Information Technology Management in the administration and aligned
with the business to work on the critical success factors in the
Keywords: Information; Modeling; Planning; Safety; Strategy.
1. INTRODUCTION............................................... ........................................... 05
2. CASE PRESENTATION .................................................. .................................. 06
2.2 Gathering of requirements .................................................. ....................... 06
3. BUSINESS STRATEGIC PLAN ............................................... .............. 07
3.1 Company Analysis Document .................................................. ................. 07
3.2 Definition of the mission, vision of values and key success factors. 07
3.3 Key Success Factors .................................................. .................................. 07
3.4 Strategic review document for internal and external environments.........08
3.5 Identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats 09
3.6 Strategic formulation document .................................................. .........10
3.6.1 Porter's market analysis .................................................. ......................10
3.6.2 Strategic focus .................................................. ....................................................11
3.6.3 Relationship matrix ............................................... ................................11
3.6.4 Proposed solutions ............................................... ........................................12
3.6.5 Assessment and selection of business areas ............................................ .........13
3.6.6 Resource allocation and definition of criteria ......................................... .13
3.6.7 Identification of objectives and long-term action plans ..............14
4. IT STRATEGIC PLAN ............................................... ................................... 14
4.1 IT Principles................................................... ................14
4.2 Strategic analysis of the internal and external environments.
4.3 Business requirements that impact IT ............................................... ....15
4.4 Analysis of the current IT portfolio ............................................... ...................15
4.5 Identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.16
4.6 Strategic formulation document ............................................... ...........16
4.6.1 Critical Success Factors (FCS) ............................................ ..............17
4.6.2 Strategic focus .................................................. ...........................................17
4.6.3 Identification of objectives and long-term action plans ...........17
5. INFORMATION SYSTEM PROPOSAL ............................................... ...... 17
6. INFORMATION SECURITY .................................................. ............................ 19
7. CONCLUSION ..................................................... ........................................................ . 20
Faced with constant innovations and technological advances and growth
interrupting the already large amount of information, we guide ourselves through the
intense and continuous learning, using as a basis the knowledge acquired in the
university course in Information Technology Management (GTI) at UNIP (Universidade Paulista), good practices identify techniques to better perform a given task, for the use of standardized and tested tools and methods, thus ensuring their effectiveness.
Odontopalmeira a network of dental clinics with over 20 years
works with dental services with a focus on quality, certification, safety and comfort, as its target audience is the middle and upper classes of large urban centers in the state of São Paulo, with a total of 40 units and an exclusive matrix for administrative and Information Technology (IT) located in the neighborhood of Lapa. The network completed an IT Infrastructure, Strategic Human Resource Management, IT Finance, Economy and Market project. This restructuring enables the company to expand, and be updated in infrastructure resources. However, analyzing the situation of the business, they realized that there was a constant loss of market share (market share), verified the situations that harm the company, we concluded by applying a strategic planning process to decide the direction of the company, solutions to problems and plan for growth for the future, with the strategic participation of the IT director and the support of a consultancy specialized in strategic management. Applying the knowledge acquired in the disciplines of IT Strategic Planning, Information Systems Modeling and Information Security, in planning to design a business strategic plan and an IT strategic plan, modeling an information system that meets the needs of business and an adequate information security policy. The strategic planning process (PPE) methodology will be based
in the model of the book by Born et al. (2007), which enables the creation
of the strategic plan for different types of companies, and adaptations within the
peculiarities of each.
Before the end of 2018, the company carried out a business analysis,
to assess the situations that led to the detected loss, in the degree of participation of the company in the market, already demonstrating the need for indicators that enable preventive action as a factor of “information opportunity” according to Stoner (1999 apud PRATES, 2003) ”[.. .] timeliness of information - for effective control, corrective action must be applied before a very large deviation from the plan or standard occurs, therefore, the information must be available to the right person at the right time;" cited in Zacariotto, Costa and Palmeira (2013, p 29)
Main points of the evaluation:
1. Decrease in the number of customers who performed basic services
2. Lack of an information system to automate the processes of
3. Excessive employee turnover;
4. Decrease in subscriptions to Odontopalmeira's own health plan;
5. Drop in the quality of products offered by suppliers;
6. Growth of new entrants;
7. Great demand for pediatric dentistry services, without the units
were prepared for this audience, generating dissatisfaction;
8. Lack of accessibility for people with physical disabilities;
9. Lack of appreciation of issues related to sustainability;
10. Absence of a customer satisfaction survey.
2.2 Requirements Surveys
1. Periodically updated strategic planning process;
2. Solutions to the unfavorable situations raised in the analysis for
identify the decrease in the degree of market share;
3. Project splits into phases:
1. Presentation of the case;
2. Business strategic plan;
3. IT strategic plan;
4. Information system proposal;
5. Information Security Policy.
3.1 Company Analysis Document
1. Experience, time in the market;
2. Know-how Procedural knowledge or know-how;
3. Willingness to change;
4. Provide quality services;
5. High level service, for target audience with greater purchasing power;
6. Updated infrastructure to support growth and new projects.
1. Outdated strategic plan;
2. Loss of customers;
3. Delay in detecting problems;
4. High reaction time to unfavorable situations;
5. Lack of automation in systems;
6. Lack of feedback (Feedback).
current strategies
1. Quality and service as a differential to serve the target audience;
2. Product certification, standardize and maintain quality and safety;
3. Safety and comfort, in all corporate environments;
4. Excellence in service.
"First, to help me in consulting and also in courses and
classes, I developed a set of very objective forms to apply the
principles of the Hoshin Kanri methodology.” Cruz, Thaddeus (2017, p. 39).
3.2 Definition of mission, vision, values and key success factors.
1- Mission: Offer quality dental services, with certified products
and with all the safety and comfort.
2- Vision: To be the best company in dental services in the state of São Paulo.
3- Values: Integrity, Leadership, Responsibility, Collaboration and Quality.
3.3 Key Success Factors
1. Management qualification;
2. IT Management;
3. Company image;
4. Financial strength;
5. Knowledge of the market;
6. Customer perspective.
3.4 Strategic analysis document for internal and external environments
Outdoor environments, Opportunities. Questionnaires by Zacariotto, Costa and Palmeira (2013)
1. What are the opportunities for the corporation in the market?
Launches of differentiated services, based on competition.
2. Where are these opportunities?
In market trends, pointing to consumption habits in the area of
3. Are there new trends emerging in the market?
Yes, based on technological innovations, mainly in the customer link
1. What threats (laws, regulations, competitors) can harm the
Fines for lack of accessibility.
2. What are the strengths of competitors that pose a threat
for the corporation?
Better communication with the customer.
Indoor Environments, Forces.
1. What do we do well?
Provide quality services.
2. What do we have the best to offer the market?
Service and environment for target audience with greater purchasing power.
3. What are we better at compared to our competitors?
Know-how Procedural knowledge or know-how.
4. What, in our products and services, arouse the greatest interest of our
Service and environment for target audience with greater purchasing power.
1. What don't we do well?
Lack of automation in systems.
2. What are our products and services that fall short of the expectations of the
There is a lack of diversity, services for pediatric dentistry and accessibility.
3. What, within the indoor environment, diminishes our advantages
Lack of automation in business systems.
3.5 Identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
SWOT Analysis, Strengths:
1. Know-how Procedural knowledge or know-how;
2. Willingness to change;
3. Service and environment for target audience with greater purchasing power;
1. Outdated strategic plan;
2. Lack of automation in business systems;
3. Diversity, services for pediatric dentistry and accessibility.
1. Technological innovations;
2. Market trends, access and search for services by digital means;
3. Government tax incentives for accessibility;
1. Increased competition, new entrants;
2. Customer dissatisfaction;
3. Loss of degree of market share.
Figure 1 - SWOT Matrix
Source: Marcelo Felipe Tanii.
Crossing information, strengths and opportunities: leverage, use
and offensive actions, example: 1x1 = Know-how and technological innovations.
1x1 IT action in creating an information system to dynamically act in business.
2x1 Use to adapt to new technologies and ways of working.
3x1 Taking advantage of the perception of value based on modernity for the
1x2 Marketing and IT Action to present the company's experience.
2x2 Use to adapt to new technologies and ways of working.
3x2 Marketing and IT Action in digital media;
1x3 HR action to adapt the services.
2x3 Action for Accessibility Project.
3x3 Action to adapt service and environment.
To delimit the work, focus on leverage, use and actions.
Weaknesses and opportunities: limitations, improvement and maintenance policies.
Forces and threats: vulnerability, confrontation and defensive actions.
Weaknesses and threats: issues, deactivation, exit policies.
3.6 Strategy formulation document
3.6.1 Porter's Market Analysis: (Porter's Five Forces)
1. Rivalry among competitors?
High competition, directly: dental clinic franchises, three
networks of dental clinics in São Paulo and a national one. the clinics
dental services and public services is a small portion in view of the
target Audience.
2. Bargaining power of suppliers?
Medium, due to the size of the network.
3. Customers' bargaining power?
4. What are the substitute products and services?
Small dental clinic, public services and services from competitors.
5. Actions against the entry of new competitors?
Campaigns with attractive values for the adhesion of new customers, benefits
to build loyalty and “Benchmarking” the competition study process.
Competitive positioning of the company: study and analysis of partnership with
companies to work in the franchising area and also publicly traded for the expansion plan, development of a digital campaign for target audience, with data analysis of social networks, targeted advertising and "Benchmarking" competition study process, analysis of new suppliers for possible replacement and negotiation to mainly maintain quality.
Source: https://m.sebrae.com.br/sites/PortalSebrae/artigos/6-ferramentas-para-o-planejamento-estrategico-da-sua-empresa,281479e90d205510VgnVCM1000004c00210aRCRD
3.6.2 Strategic focus:
1. People: Customer service, partners and employees are the
main strategic focus of the business.
2. Processes: The operational efficiency exerted by people trained to
produce better.
3. Products: The quality of products and services must be monitored by the
quality control and achieved in these steps.
3. 6.3 Relationship matrix:
Figure 2 - Relationship Matrix
Source: Marcelo Felipe Tanii.
Preserve opportunities and partnerships, maintain convenience and reduce
scratchs. Attributed importance: by Partner = P, by Company = E.
Customers: 1-P75/E75= Partnership, 2-P25/E25= Convenience.
Suppliers: 1-P75/E25= Opportunity, 2-P75/E25= Risk.
Employees: 1-P100/E100= Partnership, 2-P50/E75= Risk Line.
Outsourcing: 1-P25/E50= Line of Risk, 2- 50/50= Convenient partnership.
3.6.4 Solution proposals:
For unfavorable situations, main points of the analysis evaluation,
to identify the factors that decrease the degree of market share.
1- Decrease in the number of clients who performed basic dental services.
Digital campaigns, satisfaction survey and attractive membership fees
of new customers, benefits for loyalty and Benchmarking a competition study.
2- Lack of an information system to automate business processes.
Proposal for an information system that meets business needs.
3- Excessive turnover of employees.
Career plan, with training and opportunities that accompany
future expansions.
4- Decrease in subscriptions to Odontopalmeira's own health plan.
Search for agreements that meet within the target audience, to capture
clients and presentation of the advantages of Odontopalmeira's health plan.
5- Fall in the quality of products offered by suppliers.
Analysis of new suppliers for possible replacement and negotiation for
mainly keep the quality.
6- Growth of new entrants.
Campaigns with attractive values for the adhesion of new customers and benefits
to retain.
7- Great demand for pediatric dentistry services, without the units being prepared for this public, generating dissatisfaction.
Project to adapt the units and employees for services of
pediatric dentistry and accessibility for people with physical disabilities.
8- Lack of accessibility for people with physical disabilities.
Solution included in answer to question seven.
9- Lack of appreciation of issues related to sustainability;
Action for internal awareness and suggestions for social issues,
environmental and energy sources collected from all departments and units.
10- Absence of a customer satisfaction survey.
Informational totem project for use by customers, printed to harvest
research at the service desk, sending a form by e-mail and a link on the website.
3.6.5 Assessment and selection of business areas:
Administration, Information Technology and Communication, Legal Finance,
Human Resources, Production and Services, Commercial and Logistics.
Main points of the assessment of the business strategic plan:
1. Calculation of expenses, return and feasibility of the demands of the strategic plan,
solutions and projects.
2. Disseminate and update mission, vision and values on the company's pages.
3. Action in digital media and social networks aimed at the target audience and
disseminating the company's experience.
4. Develop information system model to act dynamically
in business.
5. Campaigns with attractive values for joining new customers, benefits
to build loyalty and “Benchmarking” the competition study process.
6. Project to adapt environments and services for pediatric dentistry and
7. Study and analysis of partnerships with companies to work in the area of franchising and
also publicly traded for the expansion plan.
8. Analysis of new suppliers for possible replacement and negotiation for
mainly keep the quality.
9. Strategic focus.
10. Career plan, training and adaptation to new technologies and ways of working, opportunities that accompany future expansions.
11. Search for agreements that meet within the target audience, for capitation of
clients and presentation of the advantages of the own health plan.
12. Action for internal awareness and suggestions for social issues,
environmental and energy sources collected from all departments and units.
13. Design of an information totem for customers, printed to collect research at the service desk, sending a form by e-mail and a link on the website.
3.6.6 Resource allocation and definition of criteria
Strategic plan documents are confidential for exclusive access and
responsibility of department directors to carry out the developments based on the guidelines and demands of this document, respond with management plans to support the general plan and submit for approval, and from these develop tactical-operational plans and reports.
The information system model will be dynamic and participatory management,
including the need for the engagement of departmental managers and
local managers of the units, within access criteria, authority, form of
entry, navigation, hierarchical level and information security.
Department directors in synergy and diligence, after analysis for
action of the strategic plan, share the responsibility of establishing a
timetable for completing all key points of the business strategic plan assessment.
All employees must be informed and made aware of the mission,
vision, values and work in pursuit of the corporation's goals.
3.6.7 Identification of long-term goals and action plans.
Balance of goals: short term and long term, of metrics: financial and
non-financial indicators: trends and occurrences, expectations:
internal and external.
Figure 4 BSC strategic map
Source: Marcelo Felipe Tanii
"[...] Annotate the data on notebook sheets without any structure
logic and that allows the entire team to speak the same language and understand the
same data to check the same results and, in my opinion,
counter-productive." Cruz, Thaddeus (2017, p. 39).
4.1 IT Principles
1. Integrity: truth, honesty and ethics;
2. Accountability: Understanding trust and consequences.
3. Leadership: positively influence, encourage;
4. Collaboration: mutually contributing and synchronizing efforts;
5. Quality: meeting expectations well.
4.2 Strategic analysis of internal and external environments
After analysis of the "Document for the strategic analysis of internal environments and
external" of the corporation and the entire corporate strategic plan, it is clear that the factors impact the corporation as a whole, so we work from the "Main points of the assessment of the corporate strategic plan", the participation of the IT director in formulating the plan business strategy already brings the characteristics of alignment and a bidirectional process, such as the use of digital media and social networks in campaigns, definition of the information system model as dynamic, demand for training HR to implement new technologies and systems, follow below are the requirements that impact IT more directly within the area of operation, which is also very comprehensive.
4.3 Business requirements that impact IT
1. Develop information system model to act dynamically
in business.
2. Action together with marketing in digital media and social networks,
aimed at the target audience, disseminate the company's experience, mission, vision and
values on the pages, research and analysis of "Benchmarking".
3. Training and adaptation of new technologies and ways of working.
4. Strategic focus.
5. Project of informational totem for customers, printed to collect research
at the service desk, sending a form by email and a link on the website.
The business structure is divided into six main areas, Administration,
Information and Communication Technology, Legal Finance, Human Resources, Production and Services, Commercial and Logistics. As for the strategic business objectives, the strategic plan defined 13 main points where five directly impact IT, the PPE defined six critical success factors, the main requirements for IT: IT Strategic Plan; Information system proposal; Information Security Policy.
4.4 Analysis of the current IT portfolio:
1. Services: Installation, maintenance and organization of computers;
Statistic; Communication applied to IT; Installation and implementation of systems;
Database; Network management; Modeling of processes and systems;
IT architecture; Infrastructure management; Strategic planning;
Information security; Application solutions; Analysis and development of systems and support.
2. Projects: Information Totem, IT Infrastructure Deployment, Modeling
processes, projects for process automation.
3. IT Outsourcing Services Management: Cloud Computing (Saas, Paas, Iaas)
Amazon, Google, Microsoft.
4. Backlog: IT Strategic Plan; Information system proposal; Policy
information security.
Analysis of the strategic business plan and IT portfolio facilitates the
understanding the dynamics of the business, the status of projects and IT services and helps in creating proposals for IT innovations for the business.
Current IT budget: R$1,500,000 based on the last project.
Analysis and definition of IT architecture: the main frameworks ITILV4 and COBIT5, methodologies in Agile and XP development, in offices and support Mac and MS Windows and Office, IOS and Android on mobile devices, Linux-based servers, virtualization and containerization, practices Devops, MYSQL and POSTGRESQL databases. Architecture's strategy is the conscious use of what best serves at the moment with planning for the future.
4.5 Identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Strengths: 1- Constant updating; 2- Strategy for
Outsourcing; 3- Systemic View;
Weaknesses (Weaknesses): 1- Lack of updated strategic plan; two-
Lack of automation in systems; 3- Delay in deliveries.
Opportunities: 1- Strategic alignment; 2- Trends
market, access and search for services by digital means; 3- Innovations
Threats: 1- Increased competition, new entrants; two-
Customer dissatisfaction; 3- Lack of time, schedule.
Crossing information, strengths and opportunities.
1x1 = Take advantage of the engagement in new technologies in actions to promote business objectives.
2x1 = Solutions for search and access to business services by digital means;
3x1 = Presenting innovations for the business.
To narrow down the work, focus on Leverage.
4.6 Strategic formulation document
As for the Strategic Impact of IT, the entry of new competitors can be
established by IT, mainly for the power of communication in digital media, making a difference in the basis of competition and bargaining in relationships with customers and suppliers, launching new services and products generated from IT, with
use of technological innovations. Thus in the “Strategic Grid” presented in the book by Zacariotto, Costa and Palmeira (2013, p 88) citing McFarlan (1984 apud Laurindo, 2008), IT impacts the company at a “Strategic” level. Today, IT is strategically positioned in the organization, bringing solutions and innovation through a bidirectional process, with the participation of the entire team through participative management and represented by the IT manager and director to forward proposals to the highest level of the company.
4.6.1 Critical Success Factors (FCS)
1- Knowledge: Updating, training and constant recycling of the IT team;
2- Information: Correct, at the right time, for the right person;
3- Data: Manage storage, integrity and availability.
4.6.2 Strategic focus:
"People": customer service, partners and employees,
processes: the operational efficiency exerted by people trained to
produce better, products: the quality of products and services must be monitored,
achieved in these steps.
4.6.3 Identification of objectives and long-term action plans
Figure 5 - BSC for IT
Source: Marcelo Felipe Tanii.
Figure 6 BSC cause and effect diagram
Source: Marcelo Felipe Tanii
For the company's information system, there is a need to
integration and due to the size of the corporation, choosing an ERP system
(Enterprise resource planning) Integrated business management system, was
The implementation process will always be a challenge, we have to train people to operate and consider the various modules to meet the business requirements, but it started to be implemented in the previous infrastructure project.
As mentioned in the previous project, the research had a comparison of the three
largest software on the market for managing dental clinics where
we got a good evaluation and chose the system that best suits the
company strategy for being a network of clinics. The system still works best UX practices that improve the user experience.
However, strategic information for the business must be in the company,
which prepared its infrastructure to train its employees, who must be qualified to meet the information technology requirements, being able to use outsourced services without being totally dependent on them.
Figure 7 - Information system model
F
Source: Marcelo Felipe Tanii.
"Any and any peculiar or specific information can be
personalized information call. Whether from the physical or legal "persona",
of a differentiated business, product or service. Also
can be related to a unique characteristic of a prospect, customer,
consumer or competitor and even a product or service.”
Rezende, Denis Alcides (2016, p. 37).
Figure 8 - Data Model
Source: Marcelo Felipe Tanii
In the image just an example of the data to be worked, like this
We have an idea of the importance of generating reliable information for the decisions that lead to the company's destiny.
"It is worth remembering that, like any system, it has this
initial definition and may change during its period of
existence in order to better meet the customer's needs.” clays,
Gislaine Stachissini (2012, p. 166).
“You might be surprised to find out how much information about the
your organization's security are easily and publicly available to
anyone who wants to look them up.” McClure, Stuart (2014, p. 30).
Information Security Policy Document
1. Guide in the management and support of information security, in accordance with the
laws, regulations and rules.
2. Organize and manage information security on the premises, in the
processing, communication and management by third parties.
3. Analyze and apply the level of protection based on the value of the information.
4. Control, monitor and test physical and logical access.
5. Make all employees aware of the responsibilities and consequences
in dealing with information security.
6. Encourage collaboration with communication and registration channels to report
problems, ask questions and make suggestions.
The main items of the information security policy will be
disclosed at all levels of the corporation, and cited briefly and periodically
within company meetings, followed by recent or famous cases that
involve the topic and annotation of suggestions. Specifications are detailed
in the norms, standards and procedures of each area.
"[...] in the most extreme cases where the risk may cause
more serious damage that could lead to the interruption of the activities of the
organization, it is necessary to draw up a business continuity plan that
is intended to keep the organization operating, whatever the situation of
disaster." Sewaybriker, Ricardo (2020 p. 164).
The alignment of IT in the business from the strategic, well-planned and
applied can return an increase in value and profit to the company, as well as a good investment.
We present the case with a very serious problem for any company,
the loss of the degree of market share, which after analysis was found to require not one, but a series of solutions for the various situations that caused this loss. We program a strategic planning process that is periodically updated to formulate a new business strategic plan and IT strategic plan, we formulate proposals for all proposed issues and situations, and also, to take advantage of the opportunities identified by the analysis tools, we complete the plans for action, we identify the critical success factors, with indicators to measure performance towards objectives, all aligned with the business, but within the characteristics of each area and the company, we present a strategic proposal for the company's information system model , and an objective information security policy, considering the value of data, information and knowledge.
The project concludes with the integration of acquired knowledge based
in the application of the concepts, methods and techniques of each discipline, while noting that the application of this project in the same case as the previous project was very timely, it brings more unity in the construction of knowledge, in order to understand how the different proposed solutions will relate, just as in reality, where countless variables interact with our goals. We emphasize the importance of knowledge in the use and application of technologies and in constant improvement.
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Rezende, Denis Alcides
Information and computer systems planning: guide to planning the
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Denis Alcides Rezende.- São Paulo: Atlas, 2016.
McClure, Stuart
Hackers exposed 7/ Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray and George Kurtz.- New York:
2012, Translation Bookman, 2014.
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IT Strategic Planning / Ivanir Costa, Antônio Palmeira. -
São Paulo: Editora Sol, 2013.136 p. ll.
Barros, Gislaine Stachissini.
Information systems modeling / Gislaine Stachissini Barros. -
São Paulo: Editora Sol, 2012.176 p. ll.
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Information Security / Ricardo Sewaybriker. 2. ed. -
São Paulo: Editora Sol, 2020.
Information Technology in Small Businesses: Analyzing Companies from the Interior
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Available at: https://www.cloudia.com.br/melhores-softwares-odontologicos Accessed: 05/27/2020
ControlDONTO - Dental Software
Available at: https://www.controleodonto.com.br/
Accessed: 05/27/2020
Lucidchart: Online diagram and visual communication software
Available at: https://app.lucidchart.com
Accessed: 05/28/2020
Available at: https://serwiss.bib.hs-
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ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
Available at: https://www.iso.org/standard/42103.html ,
Accessed: 05/29/2020
Calder, Alan
Information Security Risk Management for ISO27001/ISO27002 / Alan Calder, Steve
G. Watkins
United Kingdom: IT Governance Publishing, 2007, 2010.
Available at: https://books.google.com.br/books?hl=pt-
Accessed: 05/29/2020
Tips, questions and suggestions leave below in the comments. 👇